My Students’ Blog

The Importance of Owning Animals

By Reagan Olson

Have you ever noticed that being around your pet has almost a calming effect on you? I know that I have always felt more at peace when I’m around my animals, but do you know how or why that is? There are many reasons, and owning an animal can actually be really important for your health. Animals are linked to us in ways that we couldn’t even begin to imagine. Researchers say that spending more time with an animal experiences a 300% increase in your oxytocin levels. Because your animal companion is more in tune with your emotions than any human could be, they pick up on any changes happening in your body and feel what you feel. To learn more about this, go here

Any kind of pet can help curb feelings of loneliness and depression…

You may have heard of people owning service or emotional support animals for all kinds of different things, may it be a physical or mental ailment. It was actually proven in a HABRI study in 2016 that owning a pet is great for people suffering from long-term mental illnesses. Pets often create a stronger sense of identity in pet owners, as well as creating a routine and, in turn, a stronger sense of security in themselves. Individuals suffering from any kind of mental illness may struggle to have the self discipline to stick to a daily routine; some people find it difficult to even get out of bed to do basic daily tasks. When you own any kind of pet, like a dog, for example, you have to take care of them. They get fed, watered, and walked at certain times every day, forcing you to stick to a routine. Not only that, but pets also provide a distraction when you’re suffering from symptoms of mental illness; they help to bring you back to reality and keep you grounded when you feel yourself drifting. Any kind of pet can help curb feelings of loneliness and depression, may it be a dog, cat, bird, horse or even a fish.

I bet you didn’t know that owning a pet can positively impact your physical health as well, though. They force you to become more active, and, according to a study, people who own dogs are more than 50% more likely to achieve the recommended amount of physical activity in a week. Just by taking your dog on walks every day, you start to improve your physical health. Not only do pets help you to stay physically fit, though, but they also greatly reduce heart-related issues in pet owners. 

If you have ever noticed that you feel calmer around your pet, it is because just being near them for a certain amount of time causes your body to decrease its cortisol levels, which is a stress hormone. There was even a study covered by Mother Nature Network that showed that owning a pet can reduce your risk of death from any kind of cardiovascular disease by 36% because they cause decreased blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride levels. They also reduce the risk of death in general by 33%. There was also a study done that proved that just by owning a fish you can improve your physical health. The daily routine of feeding them and cleaning the tank makes people more likely to remember to take any necessary medications on time. To gain more information on this, you can go here or here.

Not only do common house pets help you, horses are actually really good for your mental and physical health as well. If you have ever owned or been around a horse you know the calming effect they can have on us, you may find yourself just going out to the barn and sitting with them when life gets overwhelming. This is because physically they do provide a sense of calm and clarity to people. A horse’s heart’s electromagnetic field is five times more powerful than ours, so when we are around horses our electromagnetic field becomes synced to theirs. Because of this horses are often used as therapy animals for people suffering from mental illness or veterans suffering from PTSD. When your electromagnetic field syncs up with theirs, you are forced to release hidden emotions. These hidden emotions often cause a person’s electromagnetic field to become disordered or incoherent, and, when you are forced to release them, it can almost feel overwhelming and confusing. But, releasing these built up emotions gives you the power to connect with yourself and live in a place of coherence where you can see things more clearly and become more secure in yourself. If you would like to learn a little bit more about this, you can go here.

Cardiac Coherence: The inner power that horses reveal to us.

Pet owners are happier than people that don’t have pets.

How pets can improve your physical and mental health

How pets can improve your health

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